Most assessment books are functional. They have many excellent questions which look exactly like what you will find in tests and exams – which are great, except that it doesn’t interest the kids. Parents and teachers find them very useful, but struggle to get kids to work on them.

When I was tasked to rewrite the once popular “Solve Challenging Maths Problems with Ease”, my co-author Winston Lin and I decided that we want to make this book interesting to kids, as well as useful to parents and teachers.

Kids-friendly, intuitive introduction to each concept

We want to bust the myth that problem solving techniques are complicated and hard to understand, so we introduce each concept with a simple, everyday story. We want to point out to our readers that all the concepts in this books are intuitive – they are, knowingly or unknowingly, already using them in their daily lives.

We have also included some keywords tips to help reader identify concept in a problem sum.

example followed by immediate application

We teach each method with examples rather than long theoretical discussions, as children learn best that way. After an example, there is always a highly similar question in the “Try it yourself” section to allow readers to test their understanding.

Higher order practice questions for in-depth learning

At the end of every chapter, there are 8 Practice Questions and 8 Higher-Order Practice Questions. There are plenty of practice for learners with varying abilities.

highly detailed suggested solutions

We included detailed solutions, not just answers, to each question at the back of the book so that readers can validate their working and answers.

Where can I buy the book?

You may buy “Solve Challenging Problems with Ease” from Popular, Times or online.